Saturday, December 28, 2019

Intercultural Marriage Essay example - 1030 Words

Caroline Hwang made the point in her essay quot;The Good Daughterquot; that as a first generation American her parents expected her to marry a Korean man. Hwang decided to only date the non-Korean men which she knew she could quot;stay clearheaded about† so she could fulfill her parent’s wishes and bear children that looked Korean. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In the essay â€Å"Your Place is Emptyquot; by Anne Tyler the decision to marry within cultural boundaries was not made. Hassan (a young doctor who took up practice in America) decided to marry Elizabeth (a very American girl). Hassan’s mother decides to take a trip to America and stay as a house guest. The cultural gap between Mrs. Ardavi and Elizabeth as mother-in-law and†¦show more content†¦This caused minor difficulties while doing laundry. Mrs. Ardavi had to used a special rack which she ran under water in the shower (because Elizabeth assembled it) to do her laundry. Hilary is another matter altogether. Hilary is only three years old and doesn’t understand why her grandmother acts so differently. At most times she doesn’t even seem to care. Though she is not Muslim or full blooded Iranian Mrs. Ardavi still had no problem treating Hilary as if she was Iranian and a part of the family. Hilary seemed to be the largest commonality between the women. The scene in which Hilary seemed to bring the women closer the most is when Mrs. Ardavi first arrives and asks to see her. The smells â€Å"of milk and rubber, and talcum powder, smells she would know anywhere. Even in the half-light from the hallway, she could tell that Hilary was beautiful. She had black, tumbling hair, long black lashes, and a skin of a tone they called wheat-colored, lighter than Hassan’s.† In this part Mrs. Ardavi shows that Hilary is not part of any real category yet, not Christian or Muslim so she may be considered an innocent still. The issue of Hilaryà ¢â‚¬â„¢s status as being clean or unclean is just not discussed. Hilary was also the main subject of some of the disagreements between Elizabeth and Mrs. Ardavi. The methods of child rearing that Elizabeth used on Hilary were at times quite different from those which Mrs. Ardavi had at one point used on her own sons or sometimes suggested.Show MoreRelatedEmpirical Research For Treatment Of Intercultural Marriage856 Words   |  4 PagesEmpirical Research for treatment of Intercultural Marriage According to Hsu (2001), intercultural marriage is â€Å"marriage formed by partners with relatively diverse cultural backgrounds† (p.225). This is prominently seen through the film, in which Toula, a Grecian-American marries Ian Miller, a Caucasian- American. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Analysis Of James Joyce s A Portrait Of An Artist As A...

James Joyce and H.G. Wells had different styles of writing and relied on different forms of narration. H.G. Wells was direct and focused on the external environment or situation. He did not give much insight on the thoughts or internal struggle of his characters, while James Joyce did. Joyce supplied his characters with a greater level of internal comprehension than Wells did and was able to provide more human like characters. This difference is especially seen in H.G Well’s Tono-Bungay and James Joyce’s A Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man. They do share their views on the lifestyle of religious people, but there is a difference in their style of writing their respective novels and the reality they attempt to portray. They contrast in how they convey emotional moments, they portray violence in different lights, and their view toward youth. In Tono-Bungay one sees that his style of writing is autobiographical. He attempted to produce his novel by taking inspiration of his own life. This is seen in the opening pages of the novel when he is explaining the purpose of Tono-Bungay, â€Å"I warn you this book is going to be something of an agglomeration. I want to trace my social trajectory (and my uncle’s) as the main line of my story, but as this is my first novel and almost certainly my last, I want to get in, too, all sorts of things that struck me, things that amused me and impressions I got—even although they don’t minister directly to my narrative at all†¦I’ve given, I see, anShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of James Joyce s Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man2299 Words   |  10 Pagescontrol by the Catholic Church provided structure and stability in their lives, for others it was a source of major struggle and inner conflict. James Joyce found the Catholic Church’s power to be both overwhelming and repressive. In his Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, we see his inner struggle portrayed through the main character Stephen Dedalus. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Secret Recipe free essay sample

This report is done under the subject of HBM222 Marketing Planning, a report on marketing plan for Secret recipe. Marketing plan included information and background about Secret recipe, the process of strategy marketing, consisted of a target markets and a marketing mix. It’s also included time-related details such as expected costs and revenues for the strategy. . In this report, there were 6 main sections or parts. The first part was introduction and situation analysis, provided some background about Secret recipe and contained an appropriate analysis of Secret Recipe including the SWOT analysis, macro environment analysis, and industry environment, critical success factors (CSF) and so on. The second part was Secret Recipe marketing objectives. This section provided an outline of Secret Recipe mission and objectives. The corporate objective of Secret Recipe is to provide to have annual turnover between 15%-20%. Cash flow is to be positive every year. Other issues are corporate financial objectives, corporate non financial objectives gap analysis and rationales. The third part, we identified and analyzed possible strategic choices or options that, typically, involve a selection of particular target markets and segment markets into 3 segments, which are fun, family and health. Besides, we have proposed 1 new segment, convenience segment. Then we developed the major marketing mix components, the 4Ps (products, promotion, price, place). Generally, the strategy also included a positioning statement and described the desired image that the marketing mix will be designed to elaborate and reinforce. We recommended new products development in the existing segments and also the new segments. The new products in this strategic marketing plan is not only to change and satisfy the needs of the consumers but also to achieve the company’s mission of targeting long term profit and sales by providing high quality and healthy food products to the consumers. In the fourth section, we provided yearly budget form year 2005 to 2008. Specific budget are provided for major items of costs, such as manufacturing, promotion, raw material and services. For the fifth section, we provided monthly plan for the year 2009. We applied Product Life Cycle for the estimated time when the actions needed to be started and completed. We also included who will in charge of each time frame in each implementation plan for each product segment. Finally, in the last part of this report, we have identified whether planned activities are being accomplished successfully, and whether financial and other objectives, such as some market share, new product, performances are being achieved. In 1997, Secret Recipe was officially launched as a household lifestyle cafe. Nowadays Secret Recipe has effectively establish its brand name in the international market which range to Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, China and Philippines by the good quality of its cakes, fusion food and distinctive service. Secret recipe is a largest cafe chain in Malaysia with Halal certification awarded by Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM), Secret Recipe is committed to continue to adhere to the standards of preparation of all food in the restaurant in accordance to the regulatory guidelines. Customers can always enjoy in confidence from more than 20 types of fusion food, 40 cake creations and pastries, with a flavorful range of ice cream and beverages offered in all Secret Recipe outlets. Secret Recipe promises to give the best satisfaction to all its valuable customers. StatesNo. of outlets Kuala Lumpur46 Selangor48 Perak5 Penang9 Johor11 Melaka 4 Negeri Sembilan5 Kelantan2 Kedah5 Pahang 3 Sabah 2 Sarawak2 Terengganu1 Currently, Secret Recipe has 143 outlets and they hope to open more than 160 outlets of Secret Recipe throughout the Asia. In the past 5 years, Secret Recipe has registered an impressive double-digit growth. In a short period of ten years, Secret Recipe has experienced a rapid growth of over 150 cafes throughout the region. Secret Recipe has earned numerous accolades every year for its performance. Secret Recipe continuously strives to surpass its own accomplishments and to be recognized as a leader in the industry. 2. 1. 2 Nature of Markets 2. 1. 3 Secret’s Recipe Products There are some major products of Secret Recipe. The table below illustrates the brands under each Product Line. Width of Product Mix Depth of Product LineKids’ MenuFusion Menu Food Kid’s burger, Kid’s Fish and Chips, Kkid’s Spaghetti Bolognese. Japanese Soba, Roasted Chicken with Turmeric Sauce, Prawn Macaroni with Cheese, Pan-grilled Dory with Lobster Sauce, Thai Style Fried Rice, Tom Yum Spaghetti, Irish Lamb Stew, Curry Seafood Laksa, Thai Style Noodles, Spaghetti Meatballs, Lasagna (Pasta), Fish and Chips, Caribbean Style Seabass (Fish and Lamb), Grilled Black Pepper Chicken, Grilled Mushroom Chicken. Width of Product Mix Depth of Product LineHealthy MenuBrowniesChocolate cakes and CreamCheese Cakes Hi-fibre cream cheese, Sugar free moist chocolate, Trans fat free peach cream. Garden Salad, Vegetarian SobaApple cheese slice, Brownies walnut, Carrot slice, Prune slice, Super supreme. Black forest, Chocolate chip walnut, Chocolate fudge, Chocolate indulgence, Chocolate strawberry, Mango delight, Moist chocolate cake, Tiramisu, White chocolate macadamia. Apple crumble cheese, baked cheese, Blueberry cheese, Cappuccino cheese, Caramel cream cheese, Cheese choc, chocolate cheese, Classic cheese, Espresso cheese, Lemon cheese, Marble cheese, New York cheese, Oreo cheese, Raspberry cheese, Yogurt cheese. Width of Product Mix Depth of Product LineBeverages Orange Juice, Green Apple juice, Cappuccino, Espresso Macchiato, Mocha, Cafe latte, Pepsi, 7-up, Organic Tea, Secret Recipe sky juice, Ice lemon tea, 2. 1. 4 Competitors Nowadays, Secret Recipe is an international lifestyle cafe that provides many choices in beverages, meals and desserts to its customers. There are few potential competitors that could affect the business of Secret Recipe. Secret Recipe’s major competitors in Kuching are Starbucks and The Junk which is almost provides same products. However, Secret Recipe has its own power compares to another lifestyle cafes in Sarawak since others do not provide wide range of products as Secret Recipe does. 2. 1. 5 Customers Customers of Secret Recipe could enjoy its delicious cakes by directly approaching the nearest Secret Recipe cafe. Moreover, the member of Secret Card owners can enjoy the discount privilege that is provided by Secret Recipe. There are four group of consumer, and these are shown in the table below: SegmentDemographic ProfileCore EssenceProducts Fun LeisureKids, teenagersKids and teenagers are fond of ice-cream, cake and junk food. Kids’ meal, side order such as French fries, Cheese Cakes, Brownies, Orange Juice, Green Apple Juice, Soft Drink, Coffee beverages. Health Health-conscious customers, aged customersSociety concern more on health issues nowadays. Vegetarian Soba, Garden Salad, Hi Fibre Cream Cheese, Trans Fat Free Peach Cream Cake, Sugar Free Moist Chocolate. FamilyFamilies with childrenFamily can enjoy leisure time together while having their meals. Fish and Chips, Pasta, Thai Style Noodles, Grilled Black Pepper, Chicken soup, and other fusion food. 2. 2 Macro Environment Analysis . 2. 1 Political and Legal As Secret Recipe is expanding internationally, trade restrictions, tariffs, tax policies and employment laws that related to their business countries have influence upon Secret Recipe. For instance, tax policies will affect on the cost of the raw materials in making their products. As Malaysia is a Muslim country, Secret Recipe has a legal regulation of Halal Certification by Jabatan Kemaju an Islam Malaysia (JAKIM) which ensures that all meals and beverages are safe to be consumed by Muslim people. 2. 2. 2 Economic Economic is getting well and stable in Malaysia since economic crisis and Malaysian people tend to spend more in their meals and drinks. Malaysias unemployment rate fell sharply from 3. 4% in the June quarter to 3. 1% in the third stanza which considered as low. As Malaysia has stable economy, it can ensure the business will not be affected. However, the inflation rate and consumer price index will influence the cost of the raw materials which may be increase. The risk should be taking into account to avoid losing. This is because raw material is one of the factors that will influence the industry. 2. 2. Social-cultural The social and cultural influences on business vary from country to country. Social factors include the demographic and cultural aspects of the external environment. These factors affect customers’ needs and the size of the potential market. In Malaysia, many employees avoid to cook by themselves. They tend to have their meals outside as it could save their tim e. It is very common for us to see people spending their time with colleagues, friends or even with family for meals. This is the culture of Malaysians since years ago and has proven that those people have higher standard of living. As a result Secret Recipe is the best choice for them, as different consumers could have different kind of needs and wants at the same time and place which is Secret Recipe. The consumer spending pattern is changing as more and more people are going to cafe instead of going to local food stall (known as â€Å"kopitiam†) especially for teenagers. They would like to spend more to have higher quality of foods and drinks in comfortable environment. However, there is large amount of market share having a piece of cake or food and drink in the open air food stall (known as â€Å"kopitiam†) as it is cheaper compared to restaurant or cafe. As a result, majority of people who are going to Secret Recipe is the middle or high status society adults. 2. 2. 4 Technological As Secret Recipe is an international cafe that operated in many countries in Asia, it needs high technology to have their information flow and share among each outlet. Moreover, the information gathered also need to be analyzed before presented to the manager by using computer technology. Another technology such as electronic mixer is used to make sure the ingredients for baking cake and pastries are mixed well in a correct timing. As well as Wincool Refrigerator (WCR) that is used by Secret Recipe is to allow Secret Recipe to offer the highest standard quality products by keeping the raw materials and cakes fresh. Nuova Simonelli’s blender also helps in blending coffee or fruits. Moreover its computerized baking oven and electric stove also allow the company to create unique computerized curved in baking and cooking which make the cakes, pastries and foods taste greats. With the helps of those different kind of machines, and of course its own secret recipe, it will be able to standardize their products especially cakes to customers all over their cafes. . 2. 5 Natural environment including Ecological Factors Concerning about health issue, Secret Recipe proudly invites consumers to its restaurant as it serve healthy yet yummy dishes, beverages and desserts. It makes sure that all products are safe to be consumed by anyone at any ages. Moreover, Secret Recipe also maintains the nutrition of their products ’ balance. This can be transparently seen from their main dishes, Pan-Grilled Dory with Lobster Sauce. Fish are loaded with omega-3 for children and if you are pregnant, for your unborn child. However, as global warming is getting concern, Secret Recipe participates in giving consideration towards environment. The take-away cake is wrapped nicely with a cardboard box. It is very safe for environment as it is recyclable. 2. 3. Industry Environment 2. 3. 1 Market Industry Review 2. 3. 1. 1 Current Market Status Comparing to another food outlets like The Junk and Starbucks that are currently available in Sarawak, Secret Recipe can be considered as unique cafe. It provides numerous of menu, from local to international dishes as well as desserts such as cakes, pies, brownies which it is well-known of. This kind of condition describes how wide its target market is. Generally, Secret Recipe’s market is targeted to white-collar which has medium to higher income. However, today’s teenager seemed not to be very concern on how much is needed to spend on what they are consuming. This is good news for cafe like Secret Recipe as the price of menus are not longer become the obstacle. Moreover, this condition will result in wider market for this industry. 2. 3. 1. 2 Forecasting Future Market Condition The chart above is about the GDP of Malaysia from year 2001 to 2006. In 2001 and 2003 Malaysia GDP had expansion. During 2004 small contraction was happened, however, in the early 2005 it starts to increase. This condition tells that the economy growth in Malaysia is relatively stable; it increase and remain stable, though when contraction was happened it was followed by the expansion of increase in the GDP growth. Overall, we can conclude that the economy growth in Malaysia is constant which mean to say that future market condition will not really affected as the economy growth was not fluctuating. As the result, Secret Recipe’s future market will not be affected by the changes of economy growth. Technology advance is one of Secret Recipe’s successful keys to be granted by numerous of awards. However, technology also could lower the barrier of industry as advance machines are affordable by Competitors. This will enable them to come out with better method and taste of cakes in short period of time. Providentially, Secret Recipe always comes out with effective and efficient strategic to satisfy their customers, for example by improving its kitchen technology. As well as welcomed and served by friendly staffs with great smiles, also one of the keys.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Report on Hazard Management

Question: Write about theReport on Hazard Management. Answer: Introduction Beyond petroleum formerly known as British petroleum is multinational oil and Gas Company founded in the year 1909 and it is headquartered in London. It is one of the largest energy companies in the world with around 79,800 employees operating in 70 countries (BP, 2017). Beyond Petroleum have various brand in the portfolio which includes its standard BP products such as transport fuels, chemicals and alternative sources of energy. Castrol motor oil being the other product brand was acquired by BP in the year 2002 whose products are sold in over 150 countries. The third one brand Aral, apart from being the traditional automotive fuel supplier they have diversified in providing quality food in their onsite cafes Petit Bistros in Germany and is the third largest fast food retailer after McDonalds and burger king. They have also opened their convenience stores at select gas stations under the brand name of ampm and Wild bean caf situated at various BP connect stations which provides quic k snacks and beverage services to their customers (BP, 2017). Like their name Beyond Petroleum they have come a long way by just being an energy company to an emerging winner in the fast food caf chains. They aim to deliver excellent customer service by being a value driven organization. Their core values includes: Safety of their workforce and environment, Respect the world in which operates by complying with the laws and regulations and practicing ethical standards, Excellence in management operations, Courage in achieving the best and the last one being working as a team to achieve organizational goals (BP, 2017). Workplace Accidents at BP They have tried their best to be the sustainable energy organization but still the company has witnessed the maximum number of workplace hazards and disaster in the history. To name a few incidents are: In the year 2005 there was an explosion in the Texas City refinery of BP which killed15 men and injuring around 180 workers. This was considered as one of the worst accidents in the history of US. It was the third largest refinery in the US. The reason that caused such major blowout was a hydrocarbon vapor was ignited due to the overflow of fuel from the blow down stack and later the cloud was exploded (The Telegraph, 2012). Occupation safety and health and administration, US initiated a National Emphasis program which aims to check the safety culture of all the oil refineries after the Texas refinery incidence. During investigation it was found out that there have been certain compliance issues on the part of BP for which BP imposed a $3 million penalty for that violation. The failure to learn from past hazards and accidents has claimed many human lives and there can be no compensation for such damages (OSHA, 2010). During investigation it was found out that that the workers were not removed from the refinery unit at the time of starting and closing of the refinery which was very dangerous. The second major accident rather a disaster was happened on April 20, 2010 in the Mexico oil gulf. It was considered as one of the biggest disaster in the history. British Petroleum to extract crude oil from the beds of Gulf of Mexico leased an oil rig from the Transocean (Ingersoll, Reavis Locke, 2012). There was an explosion on the oil platform which resulted into the spilling of around 4.9 million barrel of oil in the sea. This explosion risked the lives of 126 workers which were present on board and among these 126, 11 died on the spot and 17 were seriously injured. This disaster was not something which cannot be prevented, there were many loopholes found in the safety system of BP which contributed in the disaster. The third instance happened at the Pinon gas compression station owned by BP (Rodenbaugh Benjamin, 2012). The reason for the blast was a pressurized device which was exploded during a routine maintenance operation on a pipeline. Due this Unfortunate accident one worker lost his life and two workers were seriously injured. Beyond petroleum safety culture has been critically questioned. There are only few incidences listed here but they have a long list of such safety related incidences which not only cost the organization financially but also cost human lives (McNulty, 2007).. Causes of Workplace Accidents Workplace accidents do not happen unplanned. There are several factors which contribute to the occurrences of such accidents. It may not be possible to avoid such disasters or accidents but the damage can be minimized by taking necessary safety actions and promoting a strong safety culture in the organization. The main reason which can be held responsible for any accident is the negligence on the part of the authority and failure to address identified safety issues at the workplace. There are reasons which can be identified as the main causes of any workplace hazards. Human error: It has been seen in most of the situations that accidents occur due to the negligence of individuals. Both of the explosion occurred at the oil refineries of BP would have been avoided or at least damage could have been minimized. The explosion at Gulf of Mexico can be seen as a clear example. During a safety check conducted, there were around 390 maintenance issues identified which were not corrected. It was also found out that the safety device was not working and the officials and technicians had a fair idea about this and a 450 ton hydraulic device which was responsible for preventing oil spilling out from the drill hole was not working. Such human error rather violations can cost human lives and severe environmental damage. Human negligence and mistakes can be identified and avoided. There should be safety awareness in every individual working in the organization. Attention and action towards the problem at the right time can help to prevent future accidents. Safety issues should be seen as a priority and should be fixed immediately (HSE, 2005). Safety training: It is the responsibility of the employer to provide workplace training to the employees. The chemical industry in which the beyond petroleum operates is very vulnerable and prone to many risks and hazards. In order to deal with any accidents, the workers have to understand and identify the possible factors contributing in a severe workplace accident. The workers should be trained to mitigate such life hazards. Offshore drilling is a very complex and dangerous process. It involves risks such as explosion, poison gas, slipping and tripping and falling from heights, Electrocution etc. The people working at the work station should be trained to prevent and cope with such situation. When there was an explosion at both of the refineries the workers were not trained and prepared and therefore they were not able to take any steps to prevent the blowout. It is often seen in many organization that profits have been kept at priority and there is no investment in safety procedur e and on board training of the workers to deal with such hazards (The Huffington Post, 2011). Maintenance issues- Maintenance refers to the timely reviewing the workplace structure, equipment and machines. Authorities are responsible to undertake maintenance work on a frequent basis so as to provide any future accidents at workplace and to ensure safety of the workers. During the explosion there were maintenance issues which needed to be fixed but were completely ignored by the authority. Also as earlier stated that the safety device was not working was a long known fact to the management but still they didnt took any necessary action (The guardian, 2014). At the Texas City refinery explosion issues like broken alarms which didnt even rung at the time of fire. These are the basic issues which could have been addressed so that at least timely action could have been taken to minimize the damage. Sometimes small issues lead to big problems. It is the duty of the management to conduct a timely audit and immediately solve issues. Regular maintenance helps to eliminate workplace ha zards. It is not to be treated as just a statutory requirement but rather a responsibility of the employer to provide a safe workplace to their employees. Cost- In most of the organization even today the profit generation is seen as the ultimate motive. They take various steps to avoid any unnecessary expenditure. In many organization maintaining safety culture and to train the employees is considered as a waste of money and employers are not willing to spend on the safety of their employees, Individuals working at the workstation do not have the sufficient knowledge about the mitigation plan to be followed at the time of any accidents. The focus is kept on increasing the production but one thing should be kept in mind that it is not to be done against the lives of the workers. In the above three cases mentioned, two of them lacked the basic emergency equipment such as safety device and fire alarms were not working and it was in the knowledge of the management. To save a few dollars on the account of maintenance this resulted into a disaster and it caused much more after the explosions in terms of fines and penalties imposed on the vio lation of safety regulations. Effect of Workplace Accidents on Organization and Stakeholders Stakeholders are the people who get affected by the operations of the business. Business is the agent of the society and all the business operations should be carried out in keeping in the mind the best interest of the stakeholder, Stakeholders include shareholders, investors, customers and environment etc. Maintaining a healthy relationship with the stakeholders is the key to ensure the sustainability of the business in the long run. The direct impact of the activities of the business is reflected on its stakeholder (Steiner, 2012). In todays world the reason why organizations are more inclined towards practicing ethical business practices and fulfilling corporate social responsibility because they want to be identifies as the value driven organization, When any hazard or accidents occur in an organization, their safety culture and their business practices comes into scrutiny and it adversely affect the image of the shareholders. Financial cost: It is indeed a known fact that all business operates in order to earn competitive profits and outperform their competitors. Organization try to avoid and minimize their variable and fixed costs in order to save extra for the business. When there is any workplace hazard apart from the human life there is a huge financial loss to the organization. Insurance claims, compensations and penalties levy a huge financial burden on the shoulders of the organization. After the Texas city oil refinery explosion it was found out that OSHA imposed a fine of US$21 million but BP agreed to pay US$13 million for the damage (OSHA, 2012). In the oil rig disaster of 2010 the total damages were at the large scale but they paid around $1.1 billion to everyone who suffered due to this oil spill (Krauss, 2014). Apart from all of this there are several cases of claims are filed and are still pending. In order to avoid such huge losses it is very important the organization should follow hazard management techniques at workplace. Apart from bearing a huge financial loss due to their unsafe business practices and careless safety behavior, the another most important issues which was faced by the BP was the productivity of employees. The productivity of employees reduced drastically as there were many physical injuries along with mental trauma. As a result employees were not able to work in the right state of mind. The absenteeism rate was very because individuals working on the oil rigs and gas plants were severely injured and took time to recover. The employee turnover was also very high during that period because of the continuous accidents and disaster happening back to back within very less time gaps like three of their major accidents occurred in 2005, 2010 and 2012. As result BP was considered as one of the unsafe organizations to work for. Employers are the backbone of any organization, the true picture of organization culture is represented by the employees. High absenteeism rate and high turnover rate will give wrong reflection of organizations management practices. Effect on stakeholders- Employees are the first stakeholders of the organization, They ensure the smooth operations of the organization. In all the disasters occurred on the sites of BP there were around 27 workers who lost their lives. The other stakeholder of BP is environment, releasing poisonous gases in the air and spilling of crude oil in the gulf have adversely affected the habitats and the damage cannot be compensated. Talking about the other stakeholders which are the shareholders of the company are the real owners of the organization. They invest money and bear risk just to get a fair return of their value invested. Due to the oil spill tragedy the share prices of BP fell down by 55% from $59.48 to just $27 in June 2010. As a result many shareholders and investors lost their interest in investing money as a result shares were traded off to withdraw the money. The major impact company had was loosing their brand image, reputation and goodwill in the society. It has taken BP several years to rebuild their lost image in front of its stakeholders. Recommendations Hazards and accidents cannot be foreseen but they can be prevented and the damage can be minimized by maintaining a strong safety culture in the organization. The organization BP should try to maintain an informed culture in which every worker working on the oil rig should review their safety performance and accordingly make safety policies but the safety policies should be flexible enough to be effective in situation of an emergency (Keil, 2017). Safety leadership should also be promoted, a safety health inspector should be hired and should remain available on the site and continuously review the machinery and immediately fix any issues arising out of safety checks (Safe work Australia, 2017).The workers should be given a drill on the safety procedures to be followed in case of any emergency. Proper personal protective equipment should be provided to each and every individual and it should also be checked by the safety professionals. As it was mentioned that the safety alarms were n ot working should be checked on a frequent basis, at times such small thongs can prevent major accidents. Also regular audits by health organizations both government and private are to be hired in order to give an unbiased view about the safety culture of the organization. The duty of top level mangers is to make effective safety policies to prevent future hazards and allocate a budget for the implementation of safety policies but the main task lies in the hands of front line managers who are actually working on the oil refineries. Awareness about the safe behavior should be generated among them. A safe work culture, a hazard free workstation not only be feasible to the employer financially in the long run but it will also boost the morale of the employees because they will feel safe in the working environment and hence directly increasing the productivity. When the productivity of employees will be increased it will result into the efficiency in the output of the organization as a result investors will be interested in investing as the company is growing and achieving profits, A strong safety culture will not only ensure a safe workplace but also help the organization to be sustainable in the long run. References Barab, J. (2010). Testimony of Jordan Barab Deputy Assistant secretary for the Occupational safety and health administration. Retrieved from on 14 February 2017. BP, (2017). BP at a glance. Beyond Petroleum. Retrieved from on 14 February 2017. BP, (2017). Our brands. Beyond Petroleum. Retrieved from on 14 February 2017. BP, (2017). Our values. Beyond Petroleum. Retrieved from on 14 February 2017. HSE. (2005). Human factors in the management of major accident hazards. Retrieved from on 14 February 2017. Ingersoll, C., Reavis, C. Locke, M.R. (2012). BP and the Deepwater Horizon Disaster of 2010. Retrieved from on 14 February 2017. Krauss, C. (2014). Halliburton to Pay $1.1 Billion to Settle Damages in Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill. The New York Times. Retrieved from on 14 February 2017. McNulty, S. (2007). BP safety culture under attack. Retrieved from on 14 February 2017.( OSHA. (2012). BP Texas City Violations and Settlement Agreements. Retrieved from on 14 February 2017. Rodenbaugh, D. Benjamin, S. (2012). Blast at BP station kills 1, hurts 2. The Durango Herald. Retrieved from on 14 February 2017. Steiner, J. F. (2012). Business, government, and society: a managerial perspective. New York: McGrawHill Irwin. The guardian. (2014). Investigation into 2010 BP oil spill finds failures, poor testing and ongoing risks. Retrieved from on 14 February 2017. The Huffington Post. (2011). Regulatory Flaws, Repeated Violations Put Oil Refinery Workers at Risk. Retrieved from on 14 February 2017. The keil centre (2017) Safety culture model. The keil centre, Australia. Retrieved from on 14 February 2017. The Telegraph, (2012). A history of BP's US disasters. Retrieved from on 14 February 2017. Safe work Australia. (2017). Leadership and culture. Retrieved from on 14 February 2017.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

7 Resume Mistakes Youre Making That Are Costing You the Job

7 Resume Mistakes Youre Making That Are Costing You the Job At ResumeSpice, we spend a lot of talking to job seekers about how to best present themselves to potential employers. We’ve written quite a bit about it too. However, there are a few universal standards about what not to do on your resume and the team at ResumeSpice has included some of the most common. Regardless of your background and experiences, these mistakes can hurt your chances of landing your dream job. Don’t give misinformationThere are so many reasons not to include misinformation on your resume. Aside from the clear ethical issues, chances are you will be found out. Whether it’s through a reference check or due to the fact that you’re not really that great at the software you claimed mastery of in your resume, time will expose exaggerations and mistruths.   Don’t risk your long-term future for a short-term payoff. Stick to the truth.Lest you think lying on a resume is limited to entry level candidates, here are some high-profile exampl es of higher-level candidates who were caught.Don’t include your nationality, religion, age, or other â€Å"protected† informationThis is particularly relevant to candidates from outside the U.S. where it may not only be accepted, but expected to include information about nationality, age, religion, and other protected classes. But if you’re applying for a job in the U.S., you’ll want to leave this information off.Certain groups of the workforce are protected classes under federal law. As such, employers can be held liable for not hiring someone based on their fitting within certain protected classes, so including that information can make them skip over you to avoid any accusations of discrimination later on.Don’t list your referencesEmployers know that you have references, and it’s understood that they’ll ask for them once they’re seriously considering your candidacy. Don’t waste valuable space on your resume by includ ing references. Don’t even write â€Å"references available by request.†Don’t include meaningless pufferyThere are words and phrases that don’t mean much on your resume. Those phrases like â€Å"team-player,† â€Å"hard-worker,† â€Å"excellent communicator† are all ones you should avoid. The first and most obvious reason is that it takes up space. The second is that those are qualities that every employee should have. If you need some soft skills to include on your resume, demonstrate how you’ve put them in action. Have you led a team? Given presentations and received great feedback? Sharing examples is more powerful than including a list of generic terms.Don’t leave out pertinent informationPertinent information are things like the dates of employ at each company and your contact information (yes, people actually leave out their contact information).Your tenure at each company is important to recruiters, so do yourself a favor and make sure they’re listed. If you’re worried about a career gap, there are several ways you can overcome that on your resume, or you can address it in a cover letter.Don’t include jobs from 20+ years agoIf you have a solid resume and career experience, there’s no need to include the snow cone stand you worked at in high school.   The jobs from long, long ago are likely irrelevant to the types of jobs you’re seeking now. The only time a job during high school might be acceptable to include is if you’re a recent graduate.Don’t use the same resume for each applicationEach company you’re applying to is unique in the sense that they all have different business goals and needs. That’s why they advertise specific qualifications. For each role, pick out several key words that feel really important to the job and interlace your resume with them.   For example, if a company writes that agency experience isn’ t required, but it’s preferred, you’ll definitely want to highlight any agency experience you might have.Everyone wants their resume to stand out, but it needs to stand out for the right reasons, and we think it’s just as important to understand what not to do as it is to understand what to do. We welcome you to visit  ResumeSpice  for more help.About ResumeSpice: ResumeSpice is an online career services company, offering a comprehensive menu of career services to help job seekers land the job of their dreams. From resume writing to cover letter, interviewing, LinkedIn, and career coaching services, job seekers are able to select from a suite of options that meet their needs. ResumeSpice was developed by recruiters based on first-hand knowledge of what recruiters, hiring managers, and HR professionals are really looking for in a successful candidate. For more information, visit

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Recognizing and Controlling a Tree Burl

Recognizing and Controlling a Tree Burl Little research has been done to confirm the cause (or causes) of burls. A burl could be caused by many environmental factors, but the biology of burls on trees is not well known. To be sure, burls and galls may serve as secondary infection avenues for insects and diseases, but as a rule, they do not appear to be harmful to most trees and maintain protective bark. Burl-Like Symptoms The tree trunk infections called burls look like bumps or warty growths, probably caused as a result of an environmental injury. Cambial growth is hyper-stimulated as a way for the tree to isolate and contain the injury. Almost all burl wood is covered by bark, even when underground. Often, a tree that has developed burl wood is still generally healthy. In fact, many trees with burl wood will go on to live for many years. Still, burl wood in vulnerable spots or with off-shooting growth can become so large and heavy that they create additional stress on a tree, and can cause the tree to break apart. Oak Tree Burl Bulges and Tree Health Even though not much is known about the cause of burls, it should be assumed that proper tree management that improves tree health can help reduce the occurrence of burls or make their presence less of a problem. Burls certainly should not be removed from the main stem of a living tree, since that would expose a large decay-producing wound or completely kill the tree. Burls can be removed if they are located on branches or limbs and proper pruning methods are used. Not All Burls Are Bad Burls can yield a peculiar wood that is prized for its beauty and sought-after by furniture makers, artists, and wood sculptors. There are a number of well-known types of burls. Quality burl wood often comes from redwood, walnut, buckeye, maple, baldcypress, teak, and other species. The famous birdseye maple superficially resembles the wood of a burl but is something else entirely. Burls Are a Valuable Wood Product Some tree burls can be valuable in the specialty wood market.  Cherry and ash trees are popular burl-producing species due to their remarkable grain. Oak trees, on the other hand, tend to mill out with defective rot and holes and are usually rejected by wood buyers. Depending on quality and size, walnut, redwood, and maples often yield quality burls, but most tree species can offer rare gems. If you have a large burl on a tree you might want to sell, measure its size and take photos from several angles. It would help to include a yardstick in the photo for perspective. The burl must be covered with sound bark and have no major rot. Its value is significantly higher with increased size. The best market for burls is among woodturners. Search for woodturners locally using the internet and the American Association of Woodturners.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Final papeer Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Final papeer - Research Paper Example Tehran’s IAEA agreement refers to an agency formed to regulate nuclear and atomic energy. Basically, any country that is a member of the IAEA is expected to act within its mandate. In the event that it acts outside its mandate, then necessary action will be taken. In contrast to this view, there are some people who claim that the world may be heading to a more peaceful state. In as much as the International Atomic Energy Agency categorized Iran as harboring nuclear weapons, they did not clearly state whether the weapons were for peaceful purposes or not. After IAEA investigated the issue of the nuclear weapons in Iran and founding Iran uncooperative, resolving the situation became a diplomatic matter. This research paper will hence address the issue with the aim of supporting the thesis that Iran’s nuclear development may or may not be for peaceful purposes. The paper will hence look at how the nuclear development may not be for peaceful purpose, how Iran is associated to be a terrorist state, and its Islamic region tension to the west. However, it will also look critically into the matter and also prove how Iran’s nuclear development would not be used for war purpose. First, in as much as Iran announced that its nuclear development was purely for peaceful purpose, IAEA questioned their increased interest in nuclear. Even after making investigations and ordering Iran to suspend their Uranium program, plus any projects which had relation to the nuclear programmer, Iran still did not comply. Its inability to comply with what it has been asked brought Western interest, who believed dominated the council to the extent of manipulating it. After investigations, Iran was discovered to harbor nuclear stations which had been buried underground, denoting their purpose that it was not meant for peaceful purpose. In addition, Iran refuted any claims of preparing for war. Nevertheless, as tension heightened in the countries belonging to

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Why Evolution Is True Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1

Why Evolution Is True - Term Paper Example Most religions believe in a common concept of creation by a Supernatural Being. A commonly accepted account of this theory is found in the Bible, which is inscribed that God created the earth and all its content in five days and by words and on the sixth day He created man from mud. Despite the shortage of evidence to support this claim, the theory was, and it still is widely accepted by people. According to Coyne 2009, â€Å"if we came across a watch lying on the ground, he said, we would certainly recognize it as the work of a watchmaker. Likewise, the existence of a well adapted organism and their intricate features surely implies a conscious, celestial designer- God (p. 17). A different theory that got publicity was the theory of spontaneous generation; this theory suggests that living organisms rise suddenly and spontaneously from no-living matter (Lennox, 1982). For example, crocodiles were believed to originate from logs of wood in the water. This theory was widely accepted in ancient Greek and Egypt. The theory was supported by many famously known scientists and philosophers including Aristotle, Descartes and Galileo. However, this theory was disapproved in the 19th century by Louis Pasteur, who through several experiments, proved that life had to originate from other living organisms. Another theory explaining the origin of life is the theory of Panspermia. This theory proposes that living organisms like bacteria exists throughout the entire universe and that through meteoroids, asteroids and other heavenly bodies; they travel randomly until they find planets with ideal conditions for growth. Earth was one of the planets with these conditions and when heavenly bodies carrying living organism collided, life began. Some forms of the panspermia hypothesis suggest that life commenced elsewhere in the universe and arrived here on earth through comets, meteorites or planetary collision (Andrulis, 2011).   

Monday, November 18, 2019

Choose one faith tradition and offer a critical reflection on the role Essay

Choose one faith tradition and offer a critical reflection on the role of food - Essay Example When it comes to Islam, eating is considered as a matter of faith and the dietary practices associated with the religion are essentially about the obedience of God (Dudek, 2006, p. 251). All the true Muslim adherents show their obedience to God through consumption of foods that the religion allows -halal. These foods are defined in the Quran and also in the sayings that are linked to the prophet, Muhammad. Muslims abide by these recommendations since it is the word of God in the Quran. The health benefits associated with the Muslim diets have been acknowledged by science, and thus qualify God’s wisdom while highlighting His benevolence (Brunk and Coward, 2009, p. 149). It is actually the directives of Allah that are important with the advantages in terms of health being ancillary. The Muslims are required to recite the Quran before the start eating a meal and after they finish thanking God for the provision. It is considered appropriate to eat using the right hand and in the c ompany of people. They are also required to pronounce Allah’s name when they are in the process of slaughtering animals. Muslims are required to think and envisage all the items of food they eat through remembering God as the Creator and Designer, as well as the Organizer and the one who provides (Tottoli, 2015, p. 112). A state that resembles a prayer may be achieved in the process of doing this. Islam teaches that it is important to feed when one develops hunger and when one sits down to eat; the eating should be done in moderation. According to the advice of the Prophet, an individual’s stomach should be divided in to three equal parts that will accommodate food, fluids and space for respiration. As an individual is eating, he must remember those who are hungry. A person may avoid damnation through feeding people or animals that are dying. Days that Muslims feast fluctuate according to the lunar calendar and include Eid al-Fitr, which comes after the conclusion of the month

Friday, November 15, 2019

Social Media On Relationships Media Essay

Social Media On Relationships Media Essay Buying cloth, listening to music, choosing vacations are all affected and manipulated by the internet, but it has also effected how people interact and communicate, it allowed them to share thoughts, photos, stories and start discussions with online chats. Even it allows Organizations, companies and parliaments to interact with large audience. Moreover social media has interfered even in more personal issues like family business and the relationship between men and women. Social media can be very helpful in many cases but if misused it can have very serious effects on relationships. Many problems nowadays are created because of social media. And even some divorce cases were an effect of misusing it. Problem statement: With the revolution of social media, we have become so dependent on it in our daily life, a life example of that is the worldwide use of face book. We can stay informed with people that we dont call daily, we can stay a part of their life from the photos they post and the info. We can know if a far cousin is changing his place, or what happened with him during traveling, but on the other hand Facebook violates our privacy which creates a problem to people in relationships. A new kind of threat to relationships called Facebook jealousy. Were people in a relationship can watch what their spouse is doing on Facebook and in this case a simple friend request from an ex can be a start of a big problem. Other example of the huge problem is the use of whatsapp and similar applications were it consumes all peoples time, people are always chatting, at home, in class, during driving!!!!(wich is another subject alone). And this has parted people from each other. And the worse seen is if you take a look at a modern family. There is absolutely no interaction. Everyone in the family is on his way of communication even the husband and wife dont talk. They are soo consumed into there online chat) Research questions: 1-What is the difference between men and women when it comes to social networks? 2-What is the effect of social media on the relationship between partners? 3-How can we stop social media from affecting our human-human live interaction specially for people in relationships? Hypotheses: Social media affects the relationship between men and women. Have you ever wondered what the differences are between men and women when it comes to social networking? Well, one thing has been proven, and that is that women are much more likely to have interaction than men. Also, women have much higher follower or friend rate than men. I guess that could be explained by nature itself really, so we dont have to go too much into those statistics. :According to a study broadband households were asked these questions, and the answers were somewhat surprising. Not only are women a lot more active on social networking websites than men, but they are also buying a lot more hot technology gadgets. The study was undertaken by Parks Associates for HSN and speaks a lot more in the favor of women than men when it comes to social networking. It shouldnt come as a big surprise that when you have a look at the Top 100 Twitter Users, the majority of people on there are actually females. However, when it comes to gadgets, I am a bit surprised really. I mean, I think a lot of people would agree that we have always thought that men are the ones who most likely become shopaholics when it comes to gadgets of all kinds. But, as this study shows, women are way more active on social networking websites, and they also buy the hottest gadgets. Definitions: Andreas Kaplan and Michael Haenlein define social media as a group of Internet-based applications that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content. Furthermore, social media depend on mobile and web-based technologies to create highly interactive platforms through which individuals and communities share, discuss, and modify stories photos and info. Definition 2: Social media includes the various online technology tools that enable people to communicate easily via the internet to share information and resources. Social media can include text, audio, video, images, podcasts, and other multimedia communication Definition of the new phenomenon Facebook Jealousy If youre prone to thinking, Its just Facebook can it really cause that many problems in an adult relationship? consider this: Facebook makes unique contributions to the experience of jealousy in romantic relationships. Divorce attorneys say Facebook flirtations are frequently cited in their cases. And  this poor guy had an asthma attack  supposedly prompted by seeing how many men his ex-girlfriend had friended since their breakup. Theres even a Facebook page called I wonder how many relationships Facebook ruins every year with over 100,000 Likes. Its a very common topic, said  Jennine Estes, a couples therapist from San Diego who reported that she sometimes hears about Facebook issues on a daily basis in her office. Couples come into conflict over everything from one party reconnecting with an ex to one not mentioning the relationship on Facebook at all. Review of the Literature Sixty-five percent of adults use social network sites. Facebook has 845 million users, and 60 percent of those users list themselves as being in some sort of relationship. Thirty-seven percent are listed as single, 31 percent married, 24 percent in a relationship, 5 percent engage, and 3 percent claim its complicated. Social media can be friend or foe when it comes to romantic relationships. The problem with combining social networks with a relationship is everyone tends to get involved, said Darius McKiver, a junior computer aided drafting and design major from Chinquapin, N.C. Your friends and followers are telling you what your partner is posting. Instead of going straight to the horses mouth, youre too busy listening to what everyone is saying. Other students feel that social media can make or break a relationship. Many have credited social media to finding new relationships. Facebook has changed dating for the worse. Facebook causes people in relationships to overanalyze their partners online activity.    Also friends fuel jealousy, and every relationship mistake made is on record, all because of Facebook. For some relationships, social media is the best way for people to show affection. But it can [also] air out dirty laundry, cause conflicts and be the starting place for rumors, said Gabrielle Stuart, a junior chemical engineering major from Clinton, MD. It is all in how you carry yourself and present yourself on these social media sites. That will dictate the effect social networks will have. Once upon a time, breaking up with someone over the phone or email was considered rude. Now, changing ones relationship status on social media has become the most common way to end a relationship. In a survey of 1,000 Facebook users, 25 percent of respondents found out their relationships were over by seeing it on Facebook first. I have never allowed social media to ruin any of my relationships, but I have seen it put an end to some serious relationships. It is never worth it. Most times, its a matter of an ex initiating a personal message or commenting on a post that triggers most issues within a relationship, said Joshua Johnson, a senior criminal justice major from Greensboro. Some students believe openly displaying their relationships on social networks can be a positive. But couples should always evaluate what they post in cyberspace and how much of their relationships they really want exposed to the public. (erik veal Editor-in-Chief- 2013) Facebook is the most used social networl followed by youtube and twitter facebook alone reports that it now has 500 activem million users 50% of them log in on daily basis. (Jacobsen and Forste 2011) Methodoogy: The current research involves both qualitative and quantative methods since the data collection procedure in based on a questionnaire and interview. Questionnaire: The first method of data collection in a questionnaire including seven questions which range between yes or no questions and open ended ones. The purpose of there questions is to collect data about the effect of social media in relationship between men and women.It in going to be distributed and administed by the research herself. Interview: The interview in going to be conducted with two expexted infield and includes questions about the teachers and the students in school and the people use social media about the effect of social media in relationship between men and women. conclusion The evolution of social media has increased its role in our life. And made it easier in many ways. But the over-use of this media has threatened many values of people and their relationships, it has also effected productiovity of a society, and mostly affected people in relationships. It increased the problems between couples and in some cases it caused divorce. We cant stop the usage of social media since we became very dependent on it but the necessey is to tame it, and keep it for our benefit not allowing it to cause problems.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Gullivers Travels Part One :: essays research papers

Gulliver’s Travels Part One The first part of this novel, which consists of chapters 1-8,is very interesting and should keep the readers attention. It starts off telling of young Gulliver’s childhood. It mentions three years at college, and his dreams of being a sailor. After his brief time at school he become an apprentice to Mr. James Bates. After explaining the early years of Gulliver’s life the author begins to tell about a few of Gulliver’s voyages at sea. Eventually returning home, Gulliver spent three years at home with his family. While Gulliver was at home he started a business which soon failed. Soon after this he accepts an offer to be the surgeon upon a ship named The Antelope captained by William Prichard. On the 5th of November 1699, during his voyage on The Antelope, his ship hit a rock that was hidden by the dense fogs of the morning. Luckily he and a few of his shipmates managed to lower a lifeboat and clear the wreckage. Eventually the crew became exhausted by the hard work of paddling and the lifeboat was eventually overturned by the bad weather. Gulliver swam for almost three English miles until he reached a point in the water he could walk. Walking for what seemed to be along time he eventually made it to shore on a tropical island and immediately went to sleep. Upon his awakening, Gulliver found himself tied to the ground and surrounded by thousands of soldiers. They were no more than six inch’s tall and armed with bow and arrows, and spears. After weeks of imprisonment he became friends with the Lilliputians. After they gave him his liberty he agreed to capture a fleet of 500 man-of-war battle ships.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Money Is Not Everything

In fact, poverty is currently one of the major issues in the world. People tend to choose job that has higher salary they can find in order to earn more money for them to spend on, because they think money is everything. Even thought money gives people the opportunity to buy what they need, it does not buy happiness. Job satisfactions are becoming more crucial to achieve happiness in people’s life.Happiness through jobs can be achieved if people choose the job according to their personality and interest in order for them to use their skills and abilities, and sometimes if the job can be done effortless, people tend to encounter boredom and eventually lose motivation. When some people graduated from high school, they choose specific subject field in the university to study. One reason to this is because it gives them the opportunity to establish more understanding and knowledge to what they are interested in for their future career.For example, a graduate law student would most likely want to enter a law related job instead of forestry. People establish skills from what they learned. People also become more active if they are able to work on a task that they are interested on. According to John Holland’s personality-job fit theory, job satisfaction is based on a person’s interest. Their interests came from different types of personality they have. People will ultimately be successfully if they choose a job that best suits their talents and abilities. Therefore, being successful will lead them to a higher-paying job that gives them pleasure.Some people may be luckily enough to have a job that does not require much of an effort but still pays high. However, in a short while, these people might find that they are losing motivations, because of the continuous effortlessly tasks to be done. Motivations play a very important role in job. Without motivations, people’s performance will greatly decrease. Also, people will start losing their te amwork spirit and eventually get fired. Having a bit of a challenging job will not only stimulate the employee to work harder, but also be recognized by the company, and therefore be raised for a greater amount of salary.In fact, according to Stephen P. Robbins, most of the people prefer jobs that offer them a variety of tasks, freedom, and feedback on their performances. Working at jobs that people enjoy makes them more proficient and satisfied with their emotional needs. People should consider their interests and personality fit before they select jobs because both of two characters can motivate the individual potential abilities. It is also recommended that people do personality tests before they search for a new job, therefore, they can find the job they like that they are good at. Money Is Not Everything Money is essential that brings for man all his necessities and luxuries for his comfortable existence. Life without money is undoubtedly a virtual hell, with pangs of hunger and thirst eating into man’s very bones. However, at the same time for man to think that, money is everything, is also a great mistake. Money is necessity only in as much as, it is the thing which buys for us all we need, but, beyond that, money is a harbinger of all sorts of vices. Let us remember that money is to be considered as a means to an end, and not an end in itself. The end, is a comfortable life, and the means is money. If we consider money as a means to our end of having a comfortable life then, we would be seeing money in its proper perspective for without money we can not live as, we are not able to buy anything if we do not have money. So much, so good but, in the present day scenario, money is no more a means to an end but, and in itself. To collect money, to hoard money and become richer and richer has become our sole aim in life. It is here in our outlook towards money that we have erred, and so the disastrous situation we are placed in, is not hidden from any one. Each individual has set a goal of hoarding money and money only, and this also not fixed to a certain amount, we just have to go on and on irrespective of how much we need, for the lust for money has become our very style of life. It is a wild goose chase that we are all indulging in, and that, at the cost of all the rest we had. True, money gives us all that we require but money is not all the only thing that we need to keep happy and fit. There are several other things that make life beautiful and mind that these can not be purchased with any amount of money. For example, a gush of wind from where we take our very breath of life, cannot be purchased at any cost. We can wear the most glamorous dresses but, to give health to that same body, no amount of money is enough. We can buy the thickest and costliest of mattresses with money but, no amount of money can buy for us a good sound, night’s sleep. These few facts are sufficient to awake us to the fact that, there are many other important things that make for a happy life, and money is not all. We should thereby give money only its due importance and not make it all important, for, if we do that, we are certainly going to sacrifice some other vital items of a good life. Now let us analyze to some extent how this money is capable of playing havoc in life. In reality, the position of the society today, is far from being enviable, is largely due to this money mania that has caught hold of the society. Each and every individual is busy in his/her money spinning activities. At this juncture, I would like to mention the fact that in our Hindu mythology, the Goddess Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth has an owl for her transport. This is very significant as it is believed that the pursuit of money, as it is today; make an owl of a man. I’d say that we have all become money maniacs, sacrificing every conceivable pleasure on the altar of wealth. Is this not owlish sense? When we lose our equilibrium, we become the significant owls. Today, we have sacrificed the bliss of a happy and contented family in the guise of material luxuries which, we think are all that we need. We have no time to love each other, care for each other or, serve each other in the family because each member of the family is busy in the struggle of making money. In this unit of a family, where, at one time the love we got was an elixir for our tired nerves, is now a missing entity. I suggest that a stage has now come when we must give up our on fighting for money and give it only the amount respect and importance it deserves, it should be treated only as a means to an end, and not an end itself, only then we will be able to strike a balance between the inputs of money and the inputs of other things we need to live a happy and satisfied life.

Friday, November 8, 2019

January Calendar of Famous Inventions and Birthdays

January Calendar of Famous Inventions and Birthdays Many famous inventors, scientists, authors, and artists were born in January, and many patents, trademarks, and copyrights for inventions, products, films, and books were issued during this month throughout history. If you were born during the beginning of the year, in the first month of the Gregorian calendar, be sure to check out which famous figures share your January birthday or what inventions made their public debut on this day in history. Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights From the trademarking of Willy Wonka Candy to the release of Michael Jacksons Thriller song, many inventions and creations were patented, trademarked, and copyrighted in January throughout history. Find out which household items and famous inventions got their official start throughout the month. January 1 1982 -  Vladimir Zworykin, the Russian engineer who invented the cathode-ray tube, died. January 2 1975 - The U.S. Patent Office was renamed U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to incorporate its new function as a trademarking office. January 3 1967 - The patent for an apparatus for solar cooling and heating a house was given to Harry Thomason. January 4 1972 - Willy Wonkas trademark was registered. January 5 1965 - Home of the Whopper was trademark registered by Burger King. January 6 1925 - Agronomist George Washington Carver was granted patent Number 1,522,176 for cosmetics. January 7 1913 - Patent Number 1,049,667 was granted to William Burton for the manufacture of gasoline. January 8 1783 - Connecticut became the first state to pass a copyright statute, entitled Act for the Encouragement of Literature and Genius, which \was enacted with the help of Dr. Noah Webster. January 9 1906 -  Campbells soup was trademark registered. January 10 1893 - Thomas Laine patented the electric gas lighter. January 11 1955 - Lloyd Conover patented the antibiotic tetracycline. January 12 1895 - The Printing and Binding Act of 1895 prohibited the copyrighting of any Government publication. January 13 1930 -  Mickey Mouse cartoon first appeared in newspapers throughout the U.S. January 14 1890 - George Cooke received a patent for a gas burner. January 15 1861 - E.G. Otis was issued Patent Number 31,128 for improvement in hoisting apparatus (safety elevator). January 16 1984 - Jim Hensons copyright claim on Kermit, the Muppet was renewed. January 17 1882 - Leroy Firman received a patent for the telephone switchboard. January 18 1957 - Lerner and Lowes musical motion picture My Fair Lady was registered. January 19 1915 - Doublemint  Gum was trademark registered. January 20 1857 - William Kelly patented the blast furnace for manufacturing steel.1929 - The first outdoor feature-length talking motion picture was made, a film called In Old Arizona. January 21 1939 - Arlen and Harburgs song Over the Rainbow was copyrighted.1954 - The first atomic submarine was launched, the USS Nautilus, which was christened by First Lady Mamie Eisenhower. January 22 1895 - Lifebuoy soap was trademark registered.1931 - VARA (a Dutch company) began experimental television broadcasts from Diamantbeurs, Amsterdam. January 23 1849 - A patent was granted for an envelope-making machine.1943 - Casablanca the movie was copyrighted. January 24 1871 -  Charles Goodyear, Jr. patented the Goodyear Welt, a machine for sewing boots and shoes.1935 - The first canned beer, Krueger Cream Ale, was sold by the Kruger Brewing Company of Richmond, VA. January 25 1870 - Gustavus Dows patented a modern form of the soda fountain.1881 - Michael Brassill obtained a patent for a candlestick. January 26 1875 - The first electric dental drill was patented by George Green.1909 - Milk-Bone Brand was trademark registered. January 27 1880 - Patent Number 223,898 was granted to Thomas A. Edison  for an electric lamp for giving light by incandescence. January 28 1807 - Londons Pall Mall became the first street lit by gaslight.1873 - Patent Number 135,245 was obtained by French chemist Louis Pasteur for a process of brewing beer and ale. January 29 1895 -  Charles Steinmetz patented a system of distribution by alternating current (A/C power).1924 - Carl Taylor of Cleveland patented a machine that made ice cream cones. January 30 1487 - Bell chimes were invented.1883 - James Ritty and John Birch received a patent for the cash register. January 31 1851 - Gail Borden announced his invention of evaporated milk.1893 -  Coca-Cola  trademark for nutrient or tonic beverages registered.1983 -  Michael Jacksons Thriller ​was copyrighted. January Birthdays From Scottish scientist James G. Frazer to the inventor of the computer mouse Douglas Engelbart, many great scientists and creators were born in the month of January. Find out who shares your January birthday and how their lives accomplishments changed the world. January 1 1854 - James G. Frazer was a  Scottish scientist. January 2 1822 - Rudolph J. E. Clausius was a  German physicist who researched thermodynamics.1920 - Isaac Asimov  was a scientist who wrote I, Robot and the Foundation Trilogy. January 3 1928 - Frank Ross Anderson was the International Chess Master of 1954. January 4 1643 -  Isaac Newton  was a noted physicist, mathematician, and astronomer who invented a telescope and developed many theories.1797 - Wilhelm Beer was a  German astronomer who made the first Moon map.1809 -  Louis Braille  invented a reading system for the blind.1813 - Isaac Pitman was a British scientist who invented the stenographic shorthand.1872 - Edmund Rumpler was an Austrian auto and airplane builder.1940 - Brian Josephson was a  British physicist who won the Nobel Prize in 1973. January 5 1855 -  King Camp Gillette  invented the safety razor.1859 - DeWitt B. Brace invented the spectrophotometer.1874 - Joseph Erlanger invented shock therapy and won the Nobel Prize in 1944.1900 - Dennis Gabor was a physicist who invented  holography. January 6 1745 -  Jacques and James Montgolfier  were twins who pioneered hot air ballooning. January 7 1539 - Sebastian de Covarrubias Horozco was a famed  Spanish lexicographer. January 8 1891 - Walter Bothe was a German subatomic particle physicist who won the Nobel Prize in 1954.1923 - Joseph Weizenbaum was an artificial  intelligence pioneer.1942 - Stephen Hawking  is an English physicist first who revealed Black Holes and Baby Universes. January 9 1870 - Joseph B. Strauss was the civil engineer who built the  Golden Gate Bridge.1890 - Karel Capek was a  Czech  writer who wrote the play R U R and invented the name robot. January 10 1864 -  George Washington Carver  was a famed African-American agricultural chemist who is credited with inventing peanut butter.  1877 - Frederick Gardner Cottrell invented the  electrostatic  precipitator.1938 - Donald Knuth was an  American computer scientist who wrote The Art of Computer Programming. January 11 1895 - Laurens Hammond was an American who invented the Hammond organ.1906 - Albert Hofmann  was a  Swiss scientist who was the first to synthesize LSD. January 12 1899 - Paul H. Muller was a Swiss chemist who invented DDT and won  the Nobel Prize  in 1948.1903 - Igor V. Kurtshatov was the Russian nuclear physicist who built the first Russian nuclear bomb.1907 - Sergei Korolev was the lead spaceship designer for Russia during the Space Race.1935 - Amazing Kreskin was a noted mentalist and magician.1950 - Marilyn R. Smith was a noted microbiologist. January 13 1864 -   Wilhelm K. W. Wien was a  German  physicist who won the Nobel Prize in 1911.1927 - Sydney Brenner was a South African biologist and the 2002 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine winner for his contributions to our understanding of the genetic code. January 14 1907 - Derek  Richter was a British chemist who wrote Aspects of Learning and Memory. January 15 1908 -  Edward Teller  co-invented the H-bomb and worked on the Manhattan Project.1963 - Bruce Schneier is an American  cryptographer who wrote many books on computer security and cryptography. January 16 1853 - Andre Michelin was the French industrialist who invented Michelin tires.1870 - Wilhelm Normann was a  German chemist who researched the hardening of oils.1932 - Dian Fossey was a noted zoologist who wrote Gorillas in the Mist. January 17 1857 - Eugene Augustin Lauste invented the first sound-on-film recording.1928 - Vidal Sassoon was an  English hair stylist who founded Vidal Sasson.1949 - Anita Borg is an  American computer scientist who  founded the Institute for Women and Technology and the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing. January 18 1813 -  Joseph Glidden  invented useable barbed wire.1854 - Thomas Watson assisted in the invention of the  telephone.1856 - Daniel Hale Williams  was the surgeon who performed the first open-heart operation.1933 - Ray Dolby invented the Dolby noise limiting system. January 19 1736 - James Watt  was a Scottish engineer who invented  a steam engine.1813 -  Henry Bessemer  invented the Bessemer engine. January 20 1916 - Walter Bartley was a famed biochemist. January 21 1743 -  John Fitch  invented a steamboat.1815 - Horace Wells was a dentist who pioneered the use of medical  anesthesia.1908 - Bengt Stromgren was a  Swedish astrophysicist who studied gas clouds.1912 - Konrad Bloch was the German biochemist who researched cholesterol and won the Nobel Prize in 1964.1921 - Barney Clark was the first person to receive a permanent artificial heart. January 22 1909 - Lev D. Landau was the Russian physicist who won the Nobel Prize in 1962.1925 - Leslie Silver was a noted English paint manufacturer. January 23 1929 - John Polanyi was the Canadian chemist who won the Nobel Prize in 1986. January 24 1880 - Elisabeth Achelis invented the World Calendar.1888 - Ernst Heinrich Heinkel was the  German inventor who built the first  rocket-powered  aircraft.1928 - Desmond Morris was an  English zoologist who researched  body language.1947 - Michio Kaku  is an American scientist who wrote Physics of the Impossible, Physics of the Future, and The Future of the Mind and hosted a number of science-based television programs. January 25 1627 - Robert Boyle is the Irish physicist who wrote Boyles Law of Ideal Gases.1900 - Theodosius Dobzhansky was a noted  geneticist  and the author of Mankind Evolving. January 26 1907 - Hans Selye was an  Austrian endocrinologist who demonstrated the existence of biological stress.1911 - Polykarp Kusch was an American nuclear physicist who won the Nobel Prize in 1955. January 27 1834 - Dmitri Mendeleev was the chemist who invented the periodic table of the elements.1903 - John Eccles was a British physiologist and neurologist who won the 1963 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work on the synapse. January 28 1706 - John Baskerville was the English printer who invented typeface.1855 -  William Seward Burroughs  invented  the adding machine.1884 - Lucien H dAzambuja was a  French astronomer discovered the chromosome of the sun1903 - Dame Kathleen Lonsdale was a noted crystallographer and the first woman member of the Royal Society.1922 - Robert W. Holley was an  American biochemist who researched RNA and won the Nobel Prize in 1968. January 29 1810 - Ernst E. Kummer was a  German mathematician who  trained German army officers in ballistics.1850 - Lawrence Hargrave invented the box kite.1901 - Allen B. DuMont invented an improved  cathode ray tube.1926 - Abdus Salam was a noted theoretical physicist. January 30 1899 - Max Theiler was the  English microbiologist who won the Nobel Prize in 1951.1911 - Alexander George Ogston was a  biochemist  who  specialized in the thermodynamics of biological systems.1925 -  Douglas Engelbart  invented the computer mouse.1949 - Peter Agre is a noted American scientist and the director of the John Hopkins  Malaria Research Institute. January 31 1868 - Theodore William Richards was a chemist who researched atomic weights and won the Nobel Prize in 1914.1929 - Rudolf Mossbauer was the Germany physicist who won the Nobel Prize in 1961.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Political theories of Hobbes and Locke essays

Political theories of Hobbes and Locke essays The Political Theories of Hobbes and Locke In the sixteenth century, the rise of the state and decline of the feudal system brought about the question of authority, whose is absolute, God or man? Should the state have power over its subjects or the subjects over the state? Soon after the theory of sovereignty and the theory of social contract were developed, but even these still drew debate. Thomas Hobbes and John Lockes political theories have been influential ever since they were first developed in the late seventeenth century. During this time there was an outpouring of political ideas, Locke and Hobbess theories stand out. Their theories are both psychologically insightful, but in nature, they are drastically different. Although they lived in the same time frame, their ideas were derived from different events happening during this time. Hobbes drew his ideas on man from observation, during a time of civil strife in Europe during the 1640s and 1650s. Locke drew his ideas from a time where Hobbes did not have the chance to observe, the glorious revolution. At the time of the exclusion crisis in England, Hobbes was either dying or dead. These two time periods are very influential in the development of these two mens ideas. As you will see, Hobbes developed a pessimistic view on man from his dreary and bleak surroundings while Locke developed an optimistic outlook on man from his eventful and promising times. Thomas Hobbess greatest work was Leviathan. In this Hobbes stated that people by nature are selfish and ambitious. He concluded that the only way to restrain mans natural aggression is by implementing an absolute power, whose main objective is to keep his subjects in line. In this form of government, the subject surrender all rights to the state so that it is best equipped to keep peace any way necessary. This idea is essential for the transition from mans nat...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Flu Vaccination- Benefits and Contra-indications Research Paper

Flu Vaccination- Benefits and Contra-indications - Research Paper Example Active immunity allows the immune system to recognize infected bacteria or viruses as soon as the body comes in contact with them and triggers the production of anti-bodies to tackle them. Vaccination against diseases resists the spread of harmful illnesses in a society, contributing towards a healthy environment. Influenza, more commonly known as Flu, is a respiratory illness that is contagious and is characterized by symptoms like fever, body ache, coughing, sneezing and cold. It can become an epidemic because of its viral nature and once initiated, it is imperative to contain the spread of this disease through proper medication and vaccination. Flu vaccination is generally an annual vaccination program that encourages individuals to ensure protection from the attack of influenza through the year. Since influenza is of several types, it ensures protection against the most major kinds of this disease. It generally offers protection from two strains of type influenza A (H1N1 and H3N2) and one strain of type influenza B. This vaccine can be administered through vaccine injections called flu shots, or through inhalation. Flu vaccination is not mandatory but encouraged in many countries by their respective health ministries. It is more commonly given to young children, pregnant women, elderly, or individuals with health conditions that make them susceptive to such diseases.

Friday, November 1, 2019

The website of National Weather Service Weather Forecast Office Essay - 1

The website of National Weather Service Weather Forecast Office - Essay Example In this paper it is necessary to describe how the website of â€Å"National Weather Service Weather Forecast Office† (n.d.) supports the learning objective: use weather observations, analysis, and forecasting to determine risk management policies for critical weather situations and severe storms.In this paper it is necessary to describe how the website of â€Å"National Weather Service Weather Forecast Office† (n.d.) supports the learning objective: use weather observations, analysis, and forecasting to determine risk management policies for critical weather situations and severe storms. First of all it is necessary to mention that it is a site of the famous National Weather Service (NWS) which is a leading meteorological information source since its foundation in 1890. The tasks of the site not only give information on prediction of seven-days forecasting, but also sever weather warnings. This source proposes a wide range of products and services which can be used by t he emergency managers, the media and the public, and gives a brief of the products which include all-important principal information. For instance, the aviation forecast observations, daily fire weather forecasts and marine forecasts are presented here.   The site analyzes and strongly presents the temporary observed and climatic tendency of downfall across the 48 United States and Puerto Rico. The given information about precipitation relies on a radar-only, gauge-only, satellite-only sensor. Precipitation data are updated six times per day.   The Fire Weather Program is offered to federal and state land management agencies. This program provides the action of preventing, extinguishing the fire, and management of forest and grasslands fires.   In conclusion, as one of the leading data collection site, it shares necessary information about conditions of surface and upper air, pressure of air and so on. The source offers short-term and long-term models of atmosphere which are s hared with government agencies; it presents researches reports and storm surveys. Thus, the National Weather Service is close in touch with government and media emergency agents to provide all-important data about storm.  Ã‚  

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Political Science Chinese Nationalism as topdownbottomup phenomenon Essay

Political Science Chinese Nationalism as topdownbottomup phenomenon - Essay Example There are waves of nationalism that move from the grass-roots to political leadership, and waves that move in the opposite direction. One of the major challenges for the twenty-first century will be finding ways to channel the energies of the world's most populous nation into positive directions. There are many perspectives on the potential motivations, and possible outcomes, of Chinese nationalism. There are some that see this movement as a "reckless movement driven by China's traditional Sino-centrism and contemporary aspirations for great-power status" (Zhao, p. 131). Bernstein and Munro conclude, for example, that China is "[d]riven by nationalist sentiment, a yearning to redeem the humiliations of the past, and the simple urge for international power" (Bernstein and Munro, p. 19). This has led the Chinese to demonstrate with particular urgency against the United States, whom it wishes to replace as the dominant power in Asia. One example of this would be the massive demonstrations in front of the U.S. diplomatic missions in China after the mistaken bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade by NATO forces under the command of the U.S. Western diplomats were shocked to find that the Chinese assumed that the bombing had been intentional (Zhao, p. 132). After a U.S. Navy s urveillance plane collided with a Chinese fighter jet over the South China Sea in April 2001, similar demonstrations broke out, with the Chinese pilot, Wang Wei, honored as a "martyr of the revolution" (Pomfret, p. A1). James Lilley's 2004 article in Public Affairs and Maria Hsia Chang's book Return of the Dragon: China's Wounded Nationalism are two examples of anxious observations of the fervent nationalism that has arisen at the end of the twentieth century, which was seen by many Chinese as one of humiliation. However, it would be short-sighted to describe the new Chinese nationalism as nothing more than emotionalism running rampant in the streets and squares of China. After all, the Chinese government has shown considerable skill in managing the public outbursts of its citizens. The idea that Suisheng Zhao has termed "pragmatic nationalism" refers to the ways in which the Chinese government actually organizes the shows of patriotism. This nationalism, according to Zhao, is a force used to "hold the country together during its period of rapid and turbulent transformation into a post-Communist society" (Zhao, p. 132). However, the leaders of China want peace and development, and they realize that if Chinese nationalism is perceived as being out of control, the ideals of political stability and economic development would be threatened, as other countries would tend to distance themselves from what they saw as an unstable situation. Nationalism is a relatively new phenomenon in Chinese culture, particularly given the ancient times in which the Chinese Empire began. The Opium War with Great Britain (1840-1842), however, was a disaster. China was occupied and incorporated into Western empires, and it was only at this point in time that